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Submit Your Vision

An essential part of bringing your biggest dreams to life is writing your vision. You may have done this exercise before, but now we are refining your vision to work in harmony with your new life (or business, project, etc). 


Paint a clear picture in your mind of the next three years of your life and type it in the box provided below. Be detailed and specific.


Now if you have never written a vision before, we encourage you to join our next vision workshop by sending us your info utilizing the form on our home page.  We will provide you with some trainings that may help you understand how to tap into imagination and how to effectively refine and calibrate your own vision. Calibrating your vision statement is the opportunity to tune your vision. In the same way we would tune an instrument, when we calibrate or tune our vision, we have the opportunity to confirm that the words are a vibrational match to the energy of our dream. Our vibration is the emotional state created by our thoughts we are sharing with the world. When the intention and vibration of our vision are properly calibrated, the energy of our vision transmits the vibration of our dream into being.

My Vision

Write in the present tense, as if you already living the life you'd loving in the area of your health, love/relationships, work/creativity, and time/money freedom. Start with: I am so happy and grateful now that…

My Vision Statement

Fill out the information below then press "ENTER" and submit your vision statement on the next page. 

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